Thursday, 7 February 2019

Teacher and pupil in the middle of Sans Sauci drama suspended

Pupils at Sans Souci in solidary with the teacher; Image WCED
The teacher and the leaner involved in a physical confrontation at Sans Souci have been suspended, the Western Cape Education Department has confirmed.
In a video that emerged earlier this week, a teacher and the pupil were filmed during a confrontation that later turned physical.
Both the mother of the pupil and the teacher have laid criminal charges.

More on the story to follow


  1. These kids dnt have boundries..dey miss even a simple principle called "Respect"..We (80's -90's) while we wer at skul such incidents were very rare cz we respected our elders..No Teacher/adult deserves to be respected...This generation is up for a Doom..We as their future employers, are waiting for them.


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